Type Classification:
To most people font is not seen as something particualy important, however font is a very important part of our lives. Different fonts portray different meanings and emotions. Every word that we read has been looked at buy a designer, writer, artist or publisher. They spent a lot of time thinking about the way we will interperet the things around us. From advertisments, film posters, and the books we read to road signs and bus numbers.
Serifed typefaces were one of the first widely used and recognised typefaces. They have semi-structural details on many of the letters. This is ment to make the words easier to read as the little ‘feet’ on the letters suposedly make your eye automatically move onto the next word with ease.
Script typefaces are based on designes used with a brush or pen and often resemble handwriting. This means there are many different variations of this typeface. the main forms of classification under this title are formal script and casual script. Formal script is based on writings from the 17th and 18th centuary and are often in italic. Casual script was developed in the 20th centuary and is ofter more inconsistent and playful.